We, who follow Jesus, are the preachers and keepers of the memory of the Garden of Eden. Deep down in every human heart is the longing for the restoration of the peace, the love, the wholeness of Eden. Jesus came to tell us that restoration can take place only if our hearts are changed. If our outward practices do not flow out of a heart that knows God and loves God and all of God's creation, then those outward practices are empty and not authentic.
If you, or someone you know, feel that hunger to come closer to God and God's creation, we invite you to join us at an Inquiry Session. Inquiry sessions are opportunities to ask questions about God,} Jesus, the Catholic Faith Family. All who are unbaptized, baptized into another faith denomination, or baptized Catholic but have not received Eucharist or Confirmation, are invited. Inquiry sessions are for those who wish to inquire, explore, and search for ways to grow in relationship with God. Sessions are ongoing. For more information, call Tina Rossi at OCIA (732) 548-0100 ext.226 or [email protected]